Residents on and near Wilden Lane are concerned about safety and noise pollution due to high speed traffic.

Very loud vehicles use the top end of the lane as a race track.

The noise at all hours of the day and night cause stress to all local residents and their families.

We’re campaigning for a lower speed limit to replace the current National Speed limit section, and for enforcement of the new limit.

Speed Limits 4.png


As you can see from our MP Mark Garnier’s website,  residents have been campaigning for change for many years – this is from May 14th 2010:

Mark has met with residents on Wilden Lane, who have been campaigning for years for the road to have a reduced speed limit. The road is a short cut between Stourport and Kidderminster and, whilst being a lane, is covered by the 60 mph speed limit. It also has many curves resulting in reduced visibility, but no overtaking restrictions. Mark will be taking highway engineers to the lane to see what can be done.

A request to drop the speed limit to 40mph under consideration.

Our local councillor, Chris Rogers, is handling it and he suggested that all concerned residents email complaints to him.

Template email to Chris Rogers... 

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